AVEVA OMI Support Cases
[ISS Support Case] Trend not showing correct data from the previous day
Production machine that's been in production for a while Noticed the issue on the 20th They are unaware of any changes that could have caused the issue
Read More[ISS Support Case] OMI MapApp Configuration
Client reached out looking for guidance on configuring the MapApp.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Trend SQL DB Connection Issue
Client reached out due to receiging the following error when trying to login/connect to SQL DB within OMI Trends: "System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Key not valid for use in specified state."
Read More[ISS Support Case] OMI Alarm Client Not Re-Querying Properly
I am having a really hard time understanding why my alarm query is not updating according to the script I wrote up. I have a script that should change how the alarm client is queried based on the current navigation. It updates the query accordingly when I navigate from one layout to another. However, when I navigate from one screen to another (that uses the same layout), the alarm query refuses to update!
Read More[ISS Support Case] Disable Alarms and Events by default
In the option the check box for enabling Alarms and Events is default but when unchecked the status does not stay.
Read More[ISS Support Case] PlaySound in OMI When An Unacknowledged High Priority Alarm Is Present
Trying to implement a solution at customer site audible alarms when alarms are presented on screen. When there are un-acknowledge high priority alarms 1 & 2 Alarm platform critical alarms >= 1 AlarmMostUrgentInAlarm AlarmMostUrgentInIt
Read More[ISS Support Case] Archestra Graphic not Displaying in Managed Viewapp
Client contacted support due to newly created valve graphic not showing up when added to symbol in viewapp. The graphics/valves title would show but, the actual graphic/valve was completely transparent.
Read More[ISS Support Case] remote servers showing not avaiable
cant connect to galaxy, someone made changes to the server, IT install some IT ticketing
Read More[ISS Support Case] OMI Trend App
We are using a script in a Layout that is using the Historical Trend App. When we use this layout directly in the ViewApp it works. However if we drop this layout as content in another layout in the ViewApp, some of the items do not work. I am attaching a file that highlights the lines of script that are not working.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Acknowledged Alarms showing Incorrect Summary
Client called in due to Acknowledged alarms are not stored in A2ALMDB with the proper comment, instead the string "Std ACK -" is stored.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Does WebView Engine Support Sound
Is it possible for sound to play in a session from a view engine? A sound created as part of an alarm going off as an example.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Alarm Standard Comment Issue
Client reached out because when acknowledging alarms in OMI Alarmapp they are storing "std-ack" in front of the actual alarm comment.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Pannel Data
Place data into a plane is able to use a show a symbol action and have a pop up Customer wants the pop in a pane Does not fill the face plat with data
Read More[ISS Support Case] InTouch OMI not receiving data after reboot.
Client installed Microsoft RDS Cal on terminal servers. After rebooting server after install one of the terminal servers is no longer acquiring data. After going through this procedure the server is now receiving data, but the Platform and engine fail to startup/go on scan when the server is rebooted. It said it couldnt communicate with the engine. I logged onto the node and found that the platform had failed to startup. Below are steps I have taken: Manually started it off scan. Tried to set it to On Scan, but it failed. I opened the log viewer and tried again and it was successful. The Engine was off scan, so I set it on scan and it was successful. At this point the viewapp appeared to be running okay. Tried to redeploy the viewapp, but it became stuck on the orange icon. Undeployed the entire platform, then deployed each object 1 at a time, but it still became stuck on orange icon. Undeployed the entire platform, then restarted the node. Deployed the objects 1 at a time, but it still became stuck on orange icon. Followed Tech Note 845 (https://cdn.logic-control.com/docs/Wonderware/Tech%20Notes/Tech%20Note%20845%20-%20Resolving%20Orange%20Icon.pdf) and was able to deploy successfully. Restarted the server and it failed to start the platform. Manually started the platform and engine and ViewApp is working. Restarted the server again and it failed to start the platform. Manually started the platform and engine and ViewApp is working, but the engine is running off scan.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Alarm Query Failure
Client reached out due to following message being repeated in the logger from component alarmmgr: "Connection rejected no topic "
Read More[ISS Support Case] OMI WebView Engine Configuration
Client reached out looking for information on configuring the WebView Engine.
Read More[ISS Support Case] OMI WebViewEngine apps are not working
Unable to load Page: Getting the following warnings in OCMC: Starting 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArchestrA\Services\proxyserver\vcp.services.onprem.frontdoor.exe' with parameters: ' /N=ServiceHost6 /A=net.tcp://localhost/LDS/Announcement /IT=Default_test_Proxy@proxyserver\vcp.services.onprem.frontdoor.exe@ProxyServer@AVEVA' Watched service Default_test_Proxy (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArchestrA\Services\proxyserver\vcp.services.onprem.frontdoor.exe) with service interval (10000) is not running, will start
Read More[ISS Support Case] Auto LogOff InTouch OMI
Have one site that uses galaxy authentication HMI (sites) rest of them are OMI Can you switch between Galaxy Security and OSGroup without breaking everything? Would like to implement some type of AutoLogoff but still allow users to monitor the plant.
Read More[ISS Support Case] InTouch Screen Capture Capabilities Trigger PSR
Interested in triggering a screen capture and Save to file location from within Intouch. Managed application
Read More[ISS Support Case] Advantages of ViewApp OMI vs IntouchViewApp
Our Client is looking for some benefits to switch to OMI. I was able to come with some, but we would like your input to increase this list. If you have some sort of documentation with the benefits, we would greatly appreciate it. Here are some points that we have so far of OMI vs Intouch: Decrease Hardware usage - Multimonitor Solutions, different screen profiles. ( no need to have one PC for each screen in the control room) Run multiple OMI applications in one PC vs Intouchview App allows running 1 application per PC. One Size fits all - minimize, adjust window size. Customizable navigation layout (Tree navigation control app) - standard navigation through all the plants OMI Navigation mirrors IDE model view. Easy to find alarmed areas. Feature: screen name will blink in the Navigation menu if there is an alarm present in that area Easy to create screen profiles The alarm banner is available on any screen, anytime. Appreciate your help.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Appengine communication issues
Read More[ISS Support Case] Security Identity Event Logging
Security Identity event logging. -Galaxy Authentication. -Intouch OMI. (Desktop). -2023 Patch 3.
Read More[ISS Support Case] OMI alarm app command bar height change
The client is looking to change the height of the OMI alarmapp.
Read More[ISS Support Case] one workstation shows alarm 0% banner other does not
Read More[ISS Support Case] OMI Slide-In Pane Scripting
I'm looking for a way via script to trigger the 'slide-in pane' display. I want to display an OMI Slide-in Pane from a script. Currently the only way I've found to show a slide in pane is via the grey transparent bar on the edge of the screen, or the Hamburger OMI app. Since we're using grey backgrounds on the screen, the transparent bars are invisible.
Read More[ISS Support Case] OMI randomly Crashes.
-OMI Crashes' -After Patch. -When launching OMI session, Within few seconds, it will crash. -Or randomly will crash after loaded in.
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