AVEVA Reports for Operations Support Cases
[ISS Support Case] Dream Reports issue with query
Currently have a sql that works in a table. They want to use that query in an advanced OBDC driver. They create the driver using custom view, the columns populate as selected. All they get are the values for A. They had null values but that has been fixed but they need help debugging.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Reports for Operations, Compatibility (?)
-Reports for Operations. -Has runtime management console. -When running report, automatically, no values. -Has to Restart the management console, manually run the reports, then there is information. -Customer is on 23H2 Build (2261.3737) , Compatibility Matrix only shows Windows 11 22H2 SAC Professional x64 as compatible. -He will need to consult with the security team, to see if they can go back to a 22H2 build. Overnight Reports are being generated as N\a. Something about the manager being left on for long periods. Yesterday I changed the generation time to soon after configuring it, and it generated fine, and if I click on generate manually it generate manually it's fine. But when I wait several hours for the report to generate after midnight it will push a report that is all N/A, except the 24th row which will have data. To fix it I have to restart the manager, then it starts generating correctly again.
Read More[ISS Support Case] How To Move & Upgrade A Dream Reports Project
Question I have InTouch HMI ODS reports. Bought a new license brought intouch application over (no issues). Not much experience with Dream Reports. Copied project folder over, is that it? What do I need to do to get this running? DR 4.7.0 -> ARFO2023 R2
Read More[ISS Support Case] Aveva Reports for Operations Upgrade
SI wants to know if base download contains FactoryTalk drivers for communication to Rockwell's products. Also had general project upgrade questions. Found Factorytalk SDK no longer included in 2023R2.
Read More[ISS Support Case] Dream Report
Client reached out as when user was printing reports it would print multiple copies of the first page of the report.
Read More[ISS Support Case] New dream reports install, no reports are running
dream reports - installed but it is not generating reports. Version 2020 r2 20.1.16527
Read More[ISS Support Case] Dream Reports - all the dates are showing as N/A
Dream Reports - report looks fine in SQL, in DR all the dates are showing as N/A v5.10.14
Read More[ISS Support Case] Removing / Filtering Data From A Report Modifying an Advanced SQL Query (SQC)
Using a cycle start/stop bit in Historian to trigger the start/end times in my report. If for whatever reason (IT patches the server) I get a bad data point in Historian that duplicates either the start or stop bit, it truncates the report. In Dream Reports, in the Data Object Definition, under Advanced SQL Condition where I look for the SQL start bit to be true, I want to add a condition to look for only a certain Quality Detail number such as 192. The software created the syntax for the start bit, what is the syntax for adding the quality detail condition?
Read More[ISS Support Case] Unable to License Dream Report
Dream Report software not recognizing .lic license
Read More[ISS Support Case] Unable to License Dream Report
Dream Report is unable to acquire a license
Read More[ISS Support Case] Web Portal Showing as disabled when clicked
When I click on the dream report portal it says web portal is disabled DR has been in place for since the client has been here (8 yrs) System had an update the other night (Wednesday) Thursday morning identified product is not working.
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