TN IT258 Configuring InTouch Historical Trend on a remote node.
Last updated: March 7th, 2025Description
- Author: Ernest Lee
- Published: March 7th, 2025
This article from InSource shows...
- Author: Ernest Lee
- Published: 3/07/2017
- Applies to: InTouch version 9 and higher.
This article from InSource shows how to setup Wonderware Historical Trend to view stored tag values on a remote node.
After enabling Histoical Logging on what we call a "Logging Node" we now want to Trend that data on another PC.
Note the name of this node is HistoricalLogger as we will reference that name later.
On the remote node, in InTouch go to Special -> Configure -> Distributed Name Manager and then click the Distributed History tab.
Now we create the history provider by entering the name of the logging PC (HistoricalLogger) and the path to the logging directory.
Note that this path mirrors the one in the Historical Logging Properties window but it also includes the remote computer name.
We are choosing InTouch Provider as this data is coming from the Historical Log file (.LGH) and not Historian.
Next in an existing or new window in InTouch click the Historical Trend option.
Double-click the trend to access the options.
Double-click the Pen 1 box at the bottom so we can choose a tag to trend.
Next we want to choose the Tag Provider (HistoricalLogger) we configured earlier so we can access the historical data.
Now we can choose a tag from the Tag Provider in order to trend stored values.
Note the name in the Pen 1 box is now HistoricalLogger.Blower_Run_1 which is the name of the Historical Provider, followed by a period and then the tagname.