TN 1303 Forcing a Shutdown on Historian Services
Last updated: March 3rd, 2025Description
- Author: Frank Ross
- Published: March 3rd, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to use native DOS commands to find and terminate all associated Aveva Historian services and processes.
- Author: Frank Ross
- Published: 12/09/2022
- Applies to: Aveva Historian All Versions
Scenario: Unable to shut down the Aveva Historian. Processes and/or services are not terminating and the Historian appears to be in an unstable state. In some situations, the customer is not wanting to reboot the Historian server. The only method is attempt to terminate all associated processes and services from outside of the Aveva Historian software.
Procedure: Exit the Historian software if possible and bring up a Windows Command prompt. From the Historian Node, type in the following string from the command window (see below). Taskkill /f /im “aah*” /t
The Taskkill is a windows command with the following options:
/F Specifies to forcefully terminate the process(es).
/IM Specifies the image name of the process to be terminated. Use the wildcard '*' to specify all tasks or image names. In this case, anything wiht aah will be terminated.
/T Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
After executing this command, all Aveva Historian services/processes should be terminated, and the Historian should be ready to be restarted.