TN 1394 Error when Deploying: Remote Node's UserID/Password don't match GR Node's
Last updated: February 20th, 2025Description
- Author: Glenn Yancey
- Published: February 20th, 2025
This article from InSource discusses a potential reason for “Remote Node's UserID/Password don't match GR Node's” when deploying Platforms.
- Author: Glenn Yancey
- Published: 9/25/2023
- Applies to: System Platform 2023 and higher
When deploying a Platform, you might notice the following error in the deployment process “Remote Node's UserID/Password don't match GR Node's”.
In many cases, the thought is that it is caused by the aaAdminUser (Change Network Account) not matching between the GR node and intended node (Platform). However, in a Domain Environment, this can also be due to Group Policy removing the aaPim user, which is key for deployment to occur.
You can verify this by looking in Computer Management/Local Users and Groups/Groups to NOT find the NT Service\aaPim user. The installation of System Platform added the user, but a domain group policy might have removed it from the Administrators group, which is the cause of the issue.
How to Resolve (the first step is most important, as the others could be optional but necessary should the first step not take immediately)
- Forcing through the Command Prompt (as an admin) to add the NT Service\aaPim user.
- It might be the case when you are unable to add the user back to the Groups using the Administrators properties dialog box, thus forcing us to add this via the Command Line Prompt.
- Access the Command Line as an Administrator
- Enter the following: net localgroup Administrators /add "NT SERVICE\aaPim
- Enter the following: net localgroup Administrators /add "NT SERVICE\aaPim
- Ran the Change Network Account to reenter the user and its password.
- Another reboot
- Ran the OS Configuration Utility (to make sure that certain ports are open
- Reboot
- If Platforms are already deployed to the node from a successful deploy earlier.
- Removed the Platforms via the OCMC Platform Manager.
- Undeployed with “Mark as Undeployed on Failure”.
- Redeploy with Cascade Deploy off to verify the Platforms go through.
- Removed the Platforms via the OCMC Platform Manager.
The Key is to make sure that any Group Policy does not affect this user in the Administrators, nor any other users placed there by the installation