TN AppSvr303 Resolving Deployment Issues When Creating New Galaxies or After Upgrading System Platform Servers
Last updated: March 3rd, 2025Description
- Author: Chris Cleope
- Published: March 3rd, 2025
This article from InSource reveals a standardized approach for dealing with deployment issues when creating a new galaxy or after an upgrade. The following steps should be taken on platform servers, including: the Galaxy Repository server, the Application Object servers, the terminal servers, the Historian server and all FAT clients.
- Author: Mario Meza
- Published: 06/18/2018
- Applies to: Application Server
- Run the Change Network Account utility. All settings in this tool (domain account, local machine account, user name, password ) must match across all servers and computers. If the Administrator account has not been created, select "Create Local Account" if prompted to create the account or update the account with the new password, accept the changes. Reboot
- Make sure the Windows Firewall is disabled.
- Validate system platform component versions are identical.This can be done through the Control Panel. For example, if Patch 01, Update 01 has been installed on the GR and no other servers, the deployment will fail.
- Verify that you have a local area connection named ArchestraA. This NIC needs to be first in the binding order. To set the order, Open Network Sharing browser. Browse to change adapter settings. In the main header, select Advanced and then Advanced settings. In the connection list ArchestrA should be first. If you are checking this on Application Object Servers, the need to have to have a heartbeat NIC named RMC. This should be listed second in the binding order. If you ever need to add another NIC at any point validate the binding order again.
- Both the RMC and the ArchestrA NIC's need to have the IPv6 disabled.
- Run the OSConfigurationUtility.exe located in Program Files (x86)\common files\ArchestrA\
(After running this tool a reboot will be required) - If you are still experiencing deployment issues, follow the steps outlined in tech note TN867
- Once the previous steps have been verified and there are still issues with deployment, rerun the Change Network Account Utility one final time. If any of the above settings had to be reconfigured, rerunning the utility may resolve the issue