TN AppSvr170 How to find a checked out object name in the galaxy(Security)
Last updated: February 28th, 2025Description
- Author: Michael Viteri
- Published: February 28th, 2025
How to find a checked out object name in the galaxy. This is help when you want to change security but it tells you an object is checked out but doesn't tell you which one.
- Author: Mike Viteri
- Published: 11/12/2015
- Applies to: Application Server
Detailed Steps
When you want to change security in a galaxy you sometimes get this error message below.
This means on object is checked out in the galaxy. But after looking in the Template Toolbox and Graphic Toolbox you not able to find the object.
To find the object you can open SQL Server Management Studio:
Once in SQL Server Management Studio you can create a new query against your galaxy name.
Then type this into the query box.
Select up.user_profile_name
From gobject GOB
Left Outer Join user_profile UP
on GOB.checked_out_by_user_guid = UP.user_guid
WHERE GOB.checked_out_by_user_guid is not null
OR GOB.checked_out_package_id <> 0
You will get something similar to the result below.
This query returns what object is checked out. Now you can search this name in the galaxy and check in the object.