TN Appsvr129 How to recover from a loss of all ArchestrA graphics from within a managed InTouch application
Last updated: March 9th, 2025Description
- Author: Joe Hefner
- Published: March 9th, 2025
This tech note describes a process for recovering lost ArchestrA graphics from within a managed Intouch application. The approach in this article is only valid if the problem is a loss of the .aaMap file and a valid .aaBak file still exists in the application folder.
- Author: Joseph Hefner
- Published: 5/13/2015
- Applies to: Application Server 3.1 and above
Note: Always make sure to backup your Intouch application and Galaxy before making any changes.
Step 1:
Confirm the problem you are seeing is the one addressed in this tech note. You can do this by opening a window in your managed application with the missing graphics. You should see an empty shell where the graphics would normally exist as in the image below if you click on an area where the graphics previously existed.
Now check the SMC Log Viewer to confirm that you see a failed to load mapping file warning message similar to the one below:
Step 2:
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Intouch application directory. This will most likely be at one of the location below:
C:\Program Files\ArchestrA\Framework\FileRepository\[Galaxy]\ObjectFileStorage\[$App]\CheckedIn
C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\FileRepository\[Galaxy]\ObjectFileStorage\[$App]\CheckedIn
Now, confirm there is no 'MappingTable.aaMap' in this location but there is a backup file 'MappingTable.aaBak'.
Step 3:
Close your InTouch application and confirm that the application gets checked in within the IDE as below:
Step 4:
In the directory below, right click on the 'MappingTable.aaBak' file and then click copy and then paste:
C:\Program Files\ArchestrA\Framework\FileRepository\[Galaxy]\ObjectFileStorage\[$App]\CheckedIn
Rename the newly pasted file to have the .aaMap extension. This should change the file type to AAMAP as below:
Step 5:
Close the IDE and then reopen it and double click on your managed InTouch application to reopen it:
Step 6:
Open an Intouch window containing ArchestrA graphics and you should now see the graphics again.