TN WW137 Different Wonderware license files and what they are used for
Wonderware has a few different types of licenses. This document will explain a few of the differences between the different styles.
- Author: Dillon Perera
- Published: 12/30/2015
- Applies to: Wonderware Software
Wonderware licenses can be distributed in a few different forms:
.LIC Files:
There are three main types of license files that Wonderware distributes:
wwsuite.lic - This is an older form of Wonderware's license files, and is typically used for products like InTouch 7.11 through to InTouch 10.1, as well as for older IO Servers and DA Servers, etc.. If you receive one of these files with your licenses, it is easier to install it even if you are unsure if you'll need it, as it may prevent problems later on if you do install an older version of a product (Example: an old IO Server). The format of the wwsuite.lic file and the archestra.lic file are very similar, with the determining factor primarily being the age of the software.
archestra.lic - This is the newer form of Wonderware's license files. Many newer products are migrating to this file, such as InTouch 2012 and higher, Wonderware Historian, and standalone Historian Client. If you receive one of these licenses it is easier to install it, even if you are unsure if you'll need it, as it may prevent problems later on. The format of the wwsuite.lic file and the archestra.lic file are very similar, with the determining factor primarily being the age of the software.
archestraServer.lic - This type of license file is used for server based licensing, where a central server houses the licenses, and clients connect to this license server to obtain a license. This is primarily used by Wonderware Information Server and Historian Client. Currently there are only a few Wonderware products that will make use of this type of license. If you are unsure if you'll need this license, it is typically easier to not install it, as these types of licenses may need additional configuration to specify which users/computers are allowed to obtain licenses.
Serial Number:
Serial number licenses are only used by a few products, such as Archestra Workflow. For these products you would install the software, and use the built in license utility to enter your serial number.
.XML file or .BIN file:
Some newer products such as Recipe Manager Plus utilize an online activation system. For this, you will typically receive a .XML file which when activated will become a .BIN file on the hard drive.
You may receive a .BIN file directly if you are just testing the software, as you will typically receive a preactivated license. In this case you would not use the license manager to activate the file, you will typically place this directly on the hard drive.
A softkey is used by InTouch Machine Edition (ITME), which uses the MAC address of the PC you are on, then does an online activation. In this case you will not actually receive a file, instead the license will be generated online using the ITME software and your credentials on the Wonderware website.