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Installing Wonderware products from the command line (Unattended installation)

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Dillon Perera

Publish Date 7/30/13

Applies to Software


Applies to Version


Applies to System/Module


Article Version



Problem Statement


User would like to do an unattended installation of a Wonderware product either from the command line or as part of a script.


Solution Details


The following methods for performing a silent installation are not supported by Wonderware or InSource Solutions. This information is available at your own risk.
The methods below have been tested on the software listed and may work for other Wonderware products, but this has not been tested. If you attempt any of these methods, please be sure to check the Windows Event Viewer for any errors as none will be displayed on the screen during installation.
Also, please note that the steps below were tested with the versions of software currently in use at the time of this tech note being written. We cannot guarantee that these steps will work for all versions, past or future.

Installation of ActiveFactory or Historian Client (Tested with ActiveFactory 9.2 and Historian Client 10.0):

Insert the installation CD into the computer, or copy the installation to the hard drive.
From the main installation folder, use the following command: Setup /silent

Installation of InTouch HMI – with Default Install Options (Tested with InTouch 9.5 and 10.1):

Insert the installation CD into the computer, or copy the installation to the hard drive. From the main installation folder, use the following command:
  • IF the Wonderware Network Account has already been specified during a previous installation, use: msiexec /i setup.msi /qn launchfromexe=true
  • IF the Wonderware Network Account has NOT been previously specified, use the following: msiexec /i setup.msi /qn launchfromexe=true osusername.b329b08a_c80e_489d_9200_ec4c794e38ff="USERNAME" ospwd.b329b08a_c80e_489d_9200_ec4c794e38ff="PASSWORD" createuser.b329b08a_c80e_489d_9200_ec4c794e38ff=1


Replace USERNAME with the account you want to use, and PASSWORD with the password for that account. By default the Wonderware Network account will be created locally, if the account should not be created (it is an existing user) change the createuser value from a 1 to a 0.


Installation of DA Servers (Tested with DASABCIP 4.1, and DASMBTCP 2.0):

Insert the installation CD into the computer, or copy the installation to the hard drive.
IF the DA Server you are using has prerequisites that must be installed prior to the installation, such as Visual C++ redistributables, those must be installed on the system first. For the Visual C++ redistributables, those can be installed by going into the redist\vc90 folder and running the following command:
  • vcredist_x86.exe /q:a
From the main installation folder, use the following command:
  • IF the Wonderware Network Account has already been specified during a previous installation, 
    use:msiexec /i setup.msi /qn launchfromexe=true
  • IF the Wonderware Network Account has NOT been previously specified, use the following: 
    msiexec /i setup.msi /qn launchfromexe=true


Replace USERNAME with the account you want to use, and PASSWORD with the password for that account. By default the Wonderware Network account will be created locally, if the account should not be created (it is an existing user) change the createuser value from a 1 to a 0.