Historian Client Trend or Query going into demo mode in Wonderware Information Server
Information Server Demo Mode |
Even though a valid license is installed Information Server Trend or Query is going into demo mode. This tech note walks through 2 different scenarios where the aaflexwebservice website can prevent the proper acquisition of the Historian Client license as well as the resolution.
Author |
Joseph Hefner |
Publish Date | 4-21-2014 |
Applies to Software |
Wonderware Information Server |
Applies to Version |
4.0 and greater |
Applies to System/Module |
Trend, Query |
Article Version |
01.01.01 |
Historian Client Trend or Query is going into demo mode when being launched from an Information Server client machine even though the proper license is installed.
Note: For more on WIS licensing see THIS VIDEO and fast forward to the 23:00 mark.
Start off by checking the URL to the aaflexlicwebservice below:
http://<Web Server>/aaflexlicwebservice/aaflexlicwebservice.asmx
*Replace <Web Server> above with the name of your Information Server machine.
If the aaflexlicwebservice is functional and accessible the web address should return a valid web page similar to the one below:
If the resulting webpage is not valid there are 2 possible case scenarios:
Case 1 Problem: When browsing to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ location the aaflexlicwebservice folder exists but it is either empty or is missing some of the content below:
Case 1 Resolution: Copy the contents from the System Platform installation DVD in the following location D:\CD-WIS\Inetpub\wwwroot\aaFlexLicWebService to the corresponding location in the installation folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aaFlexLicWebService.
Case 2 Problem: When browsing to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\location the aaflexlicwebservice folder does not exist.
Case 2 Resolution: Go to Start\All Programs\Wonderware\Common\Configurator and click on the ArchestrA License Web Server and then click the License Server and click “Configure”. This should create the aaflexlicwebservice web site and copy the correct content to the proper location in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aaFlexLicWebService directory.
* If the windows firewall has been turned off it will need to be started in order for the configuration to complete.