TN - 1175 Using the Microsoft Flex Grid with later versions of InTouch
Using the Microsoft FlexGrid Control 6.0 with later versions of InTouch
- Author: Mike Viteri
- Published: 8/5/2021
- Applies to: InTouch 2017 and later
Some older InTouch application were developed with the Microsoft Flex Grid Control 6.0 Active X. This was a control that was included in Visual Basic 6.
When migrating to a newer version of InTouch the control is need some the application can function properly.
1. In order for the Flex Grid Active X to work it will need Visual Studio Community 2015 installed. The link below is where it can be downloaded but it will required a Microsoft Account to login.
2. Install Visual Studio Community 2015.
3. Download the Flex Grid Active X(Below). Then the Active x control needs to be registered. The control can be registered using the technote below.
4. Go into WindowMaker and add the Active X Control.
5. When adding the control you should see this below to know the Flex Grid is working correctly.
6. Now if you have an older InTouch application with the control you can migrate and keep all the Flex Grid configurations.