TN IT297 How to export your tagname dictionary into Excel using the DBDump option in InTouch
How to export your tagname dictionary into Excel using the DBDump option in InTouch
This walks you through the simple process of using the DBDump option in InTouch Application Manager to export your tagname dictionary into Excel for further editing or merely as a backup.
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: 12/22/2014
- Applies to: InTouch
1 Open InTouch Application Manager.
2 Right Click on the Application you wish to export to Excel and select DBDump.
3 Name the CSV file if you wish or leave as the default then click OK. This will save it as default to the Application Folder unless you want to browse to a different location.
4 You will get a message that the export is successful and click OK.
5 Open the location where you saved the CSV as seen below.