TN IT287 InTouch Historical Logging using Terminal Server - how to determine which session logs historical data.
This article from InSource shows...
- Author: Ernest Lee
- Published: 09/25/2017
- Applies to: InTouch all versions
This article from InSource shows how to select which session running in Terminal Server logs historical data via .LGH and .IDX files. If InTouch is running on the console session, Historical Logging will only log data on this session by default. Historical Logging will be disabled on all other remote sessions.
If you are running InTouch on remote sessions then a script is needed to specify which logged in user will log historical data.
Terminal Server Script:
MyIDMessageTag = TSEGetClientID();
IF MyIDMessageTag == "SessionIDThatWillLogData"
THEN $HistoricalLogging = 1;
ELSE $HistoricalLogging = 0;