TN IT228 Using NAD with a Modern Application
This article from InSource shows how to configure NAD with a Wonderware InTouch Modern application type.
- Author: Rich Brooks
- Published: 9/28/2016
- Applies to: InTouch 2014R2 P1 & SP1
Network Application Development (NAD) allows changes from the WindowMaker (Development Server) to be pushed out to the WindowViewer (Runtime Node). The steps to initially push out changes are listed below. These steps have changed slightly with the latest releases of the software.
Note: Not following the steps as listed below may result in white rectangle placeholders on windows where ArchestrA graphics should be.
Step 1: Share the master InTouch application directory. Use an URL path such as \\<servername>\<share name>\<project folder>
Step 2: Notify Clients from the WindowMaker
Step 3: Setup NAD and launch WindowViewer
Step 4: Make a change to the master application and save the changes
Step 5: Notify Clients from the WindowMaker (repeat of Step 2)
Step 6: Click yes to receive the update on the client