TN IT203 How to add a Historian Client Trend control to an InTouch window
Method to add a Historian Client Trend Control to an InTouch window
- Author: Benjamin Davis
- Published: 12/28/2015
- Applies to: InTouch 2014R2
Add the ActiveX Control for the Historian Client Trend control
1. Install Historian Client
2. In WindowMaker, click Special | Configure Wizard/ActiveX Installation
3. Click ActiveX Control Installation
4. Choose aaHistClientTrendControl from the list
5. Click Install
6. Click Close
Add the Historian Client Trend control ActiveX to the InTouch window
1. In WindowMaker, click the Wizard hat in the tool bar.
2. Select ActiveX Controls
3. Select aaHistClientTrend
4. Click OK.
5. Click where you wish to place the trend