TN IT175 How to start a minimized version of the Alarm Printer in InTouch
Sometimes the WWControl function in InTouch is unable to minimize an external application after launching it. This tech note walks through an alternate approach for starting and minimizing the alarm printer utility.
- Author: Joseph Hefner
- Published: 11/10/2015
- Applies to: 10.1 and later
Step 1: Create an Instance of the Alarm printer and configure it as desired. In the example below, I have created an alarm printer file called "Untitled.ALC" and placed it directly on the C drive.
Step 2: Create a shortcut to the alarm printer by right clicking on it and choosing "Create Shortcut" as below:
Step 3: For the target in the shorcut, use the -q extension to start the alarm printer when it is called as below:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wonderware\InTouch\almprt.exe" -q "Untitled.ALC"
After clicking the Apply and OK button above, double click on the newly created shortcut in order to confirm that the alarm printer has started in the running state.
Step 4: Create an Application "On Startup" script that calls the shortcut in order to make sure the alarm printer is started up when InTouch is started as below:
Make sure to include the full extension to the shorcut as seen in the screenshot above. In my example the shorcut is called UntitleJoe so the link is: "C:\UntitleJoe.ALC.lnk"