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TN - 1210 Auto Start InTouch on Windows 10



On some versions of Windows 10 elevated shortcuts are not allowed to run from the Startup folder. This article from InSource shows additional options for the auto start of InTouch.  


  • Author: Mario Meza
  • Published: 12/22/2021
  • Applies to: Intouch 2014 R2 SP1 and above



The following options were all fully tested on a Windows 10 system  running InTouch. For convenience the files for each option can be downloaded from the following link. 


Things to note: 

 If you decide to import the scheduled task (Option 3), you will need to edit the user to suite your environment. This can be done from the interface or since the file is in XML format , you can edit the <UserID> element.



Option 1:

Create a .bat file and place it in the startup folder  (refTN IT310) If you don’t want the delay you can simply comment those lines out with a #



Option 2:

Create a .vbs file and  place it in the startup folder




Option 3:

Set up a Scheduled Task using Task Scheduler to launch either the view or script file.  Below are the configurations that worked for testing this solution, you may need to adjust some parameters to suite your needs.  


Run Task Scheduler as Administrator and  configure as follows:

·         Create a Basic Task

·         Task Trigger : Daily (specify a time when a license will be available and no galaxy operations will be taking place)

·         Action: Start a Program

·         Program/Script : just the path to either the VIEW.EXE or one of the above scripts:  for example C:/tools/script.bat (see screen captures below)

·         Add arguments: kept it empty

·         Start in: kept it empty
















Once the task is created locate it in the Task Scheduler Library Right Click on the task to access properties





In the General tab :

  • Mark radio button : "Run whether user is logged on or not" (specify a user that is in the Administrators & aaAdministrators group)
  • ·Enable Checkbox : Run with the highest privileges



In Settings Tab:

  • Enable checkbox: Allow task to be run on demand
  • Enable checkbox: Stop the task if it runs loner than (update based on a value that’s reasonable in your system)
  • Enable checkbox: If the task fails, restart every : I chose 5 min
  • Enable setting from dropdown: Stop the existing instance (if the task is already running)



In the Trigger Tab highlight the Trigger and select Edit



Change from Start Up to At Logon and if you like specify a particular user



Select ok and you can test the task works by selecting Run from on the side bar. If configured correctly pressing Run should launch the view.exe or script file of your choosing (depending on what you decided to use).




When the user logs on …



InTouch starts.



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