TN Citect018 How to Include a Separately Developed Piece of Your Project into Your Global Project
How to include a separately developed piece of your project into your Global project
This article shows how you can add a separately developed piece of your your global project to enable multiple collaborators. In this example the Global project is called FruityBeverages and someone has developed the Orange_Juice piece which you wish to add in.
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: 05/30/2018
- Applies to: CitectSCADA 2016
1 The Orange_Juice piece of the project has been sent to you and this has been restored into Projects area of your Citect Studio
2 Select the FruityBeverages Project and then click on the Includes tab as seen below.
3 Add a new line and click on the down arrow in the Project Column to select the parent project which in this case is the FruityBeverages.
4 Click in the Include Project column and select the Orange_Juice project that you've restored.
5 Click on the Save Button.
6 Click on the Home Tab and when you expand the Fruity Beverages project you will now see the Orange_Juice project.