TN Citect013 How to Configure the Vijeo Citect Historian Connector
How to Configure the Vijeo Citect Historian Connector
This Tech Note will walk you through how to configure the Vijeo Citect Historian Connector to send data from CitectSCADA to Wonderware Historian.
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: 09/06/2017
- Applies to: Vijeo Citect Historian Connector 2.1 Upwards
1 Navigate to the Vijeo Citect Historian Connecter and start the Connector.
2 The Configurator appears as seen below.
3 On the Citect Tab you will need to configure the following
Host : Machine name or IP Address of Citect
Username / Password : Correct Privileges will need to be entered
4 Click on the Wonderware Tab and configure the following and leave the other Tabs at their default.
Host : Location of Historian Server
Username / Password : Correct Historian Privileges will need to be entered to write to tags.
5 Click the Start button as seen below.
6 Once connections have been established wait for the Status to change to Running.
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