TN Citect001 An Introduction to Citect SCADA 2015
This page will introduce you to the latest piece of software added to our portfolio of products called CitectSCADA 2015.
This article from InSource shows...
- Author: Alex Davenport
- Published: 02/16/2016
- Applies to: CitectSCADA 2015
CitectSCADA is an HMI Visualization Tool with Trend, Alarming and Portal options available in the core product.
Hundreds of Drivers are available covering most Legacy and Modern PLC’s.
CitectSCADA is built to handle Millions of Tags environments.
You are able to have Maximum of 255 I/O Drivers.
Add-ons are available to connect CitectSCADA to Wonderware Application Server and Historian.
Develop Single or Multiple Clusters with Unlimited Clients.
Very minimal Hardware Requirements to run the software.
Covers most modern Windows Operating Systems.
A Simpler Licensing Model.
The ability to upgrade licenses on-line via the Citect website.
A Runtime Environment with a Web Based feel giving you full Visualization capability.
Easy Navigation within the Runtime Environment with a Web styled Menu options
Display Trends where you can get a view of data being captured over periods of time to enable a better understanding of output.
The ability to display alarms in multiple views with configurable layouts