TN AppSvr327 Right-click menu appearing off screen
This article from InSource shows how to fix a problem seen in some installations of Application Server on OSs such as Windows 10, where the right-click menu appears to the left, resulting in it being off screen when using the toolboxes.
- Author: Dillon Perera
- Published: 03/31/2020
- Applies to: Application Server 2014r2 and higher
When trying to use the Wonderware Application Server IDE (Archestra IDE), right clicking on objects should show a menu allowing you to create new instances, deploy, etc.. Sometimes this menu will be displayed to the left of the mouse instead of to the right, causing the menu to be shown off screen as in the following example. This is a known issue with Microsoft Windows, and will occur on some installations.
To fix this:
- In Windows, go to the Run menu (WinKey + R), and enter the following text to open Tablet PC Settings:
shell:::{80F3F1D5-FECA-45F3-BC32-752C152E456E} - You will see the Tablet PC Settings window, as shown below. Select the tab called "Other".
- From the Other tab, change Handedness to Left-Handed, as shown below.
- Go back to the Application Server IDE and right click on an object. The menus should now display correctly, to the right of the mouse.