TN AppSvr298 Change Network Account Details
It is not intended for general distribution to end customers.
This article from InSource provides more detail on what the Wonderware Change Utility does besides what is explained in the help document.
- Author: Rich Brooks
- Published: 5/17/2018
- Applies to: Wonderware System Platform 2014R2 and higher
Basically it adds the user to the Administrators group and then gives the user the following rights:
SeTcbPrivilege – Act as part of the operating system.
SeServiceLogonRight: Log on as a service
SeBatchLogonRight: Log on as a batch job
It also changes some DCOM settings.
Change Network Account utility changes following:
01: SeSecurityPrivilege --- Manage auditing and security log
02: SeBackupPrivilege --- Back up files and directories
03: SeRestorePrivilege --- Restore files and directories
04: SeSystemtimePrivilege --- Change the system time
05: SeShutdownPrivilege --- Shut down the system
06: SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege --- Force shutdown from a remote system
07: SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege --- Take ownership of files or other objects
08: SeDebugPrivilege --- Debug programs
09: SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege --- Modify firmware environment values
10: SeSystemProfilePrivilege --- Profile system performance
11: SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege --- Profile single process
12: SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege --- Increase scheduling priority
13: SeLoadDriverPrivilege --- Load and unload device drivers
14: SeCreatePagefilePrivilege --- Create a pagefile
15: SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege --- Adjust memory quotas for a process
16: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege --- Bypass traverse checking
17: SeUndockPrivilege --- Remove computer from docking station
18: SeManageVolumePrivilege --- Perform volume maintenance tasks
19: SeImpersonatePrivilege --- Impersonate a client after authentication
20: SeCreateGlobalPrivilege --- Create global objects
21: SeInteractiveLogonRight --- <no description>
22: SeNetworkLogonRight --- <no description>
23: SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight --- <no description>
NOTE: This information may be provided to customers on an "as needed" basis when the Change Network Account utility does not resolve an issue. Sometimes established AD policies interfere with System Platform. One example is the communication between platforms as required for deployment. The Change Network Account utility does change some security policies that are needed for System Platform to function properly.