TN AppSvr179 Useful MSSQL Queries In AppServer
From time to time it is necessary to get bulk information about a deployed galaxy. You may want to be able to query for things such as:
How many scripts are there for each object?
What are the names of each script in an object?
How many tags are Historized in each object?
What are the names of the Historized attributes?
How many graphics are on an object?
Without having to count things manually or export objects and count in excel.
- Author: Lewis Talley
- Published: 12/18/2015
- Applies to: Application Server 2014 R2 (applies to other versions as well)
The fundamental way this works is by querying the GR DB and joining 2 tables on the object ID's. The gobject table and the Primitive_Instance table. The Primitive_Instance table holds in its type column the following possible values:
- alarmextension
- historyextension
- inputextension
- inputoutputextension
- outputextension
- ScriptExtension
- SymbolExtension
The basic format of the query is as follows
To get the names of the scripts configured in an object
Select Distinct g.Tag_Name as 'Object Name',p.Primitive_Name as 'Script Name'
from Primitive_Instance p Join gobject g
on g.gobject_id = p.gobject_id
Where p.Extension_Type = 'ScriptExtension'
and g.Is_template <> 1
Order By g.Tag_name
To get the counts of scripts configured in an object
Select Distinct g.Tag_Name as 'Object Name', Count (p.Primitive_Name) as 'Script Count'
from Primitive_Instance p Join gobject g
on g.gobject_id = p.gobject_id
Where p.Extension_Type = 'ScriptExtension'
and g.Is_template <> 1
Group by g.Tag_name
If you wanted to alter the 2 queries above to produce information about graphic counts and names, you would alter the p.Extension_Type = 'ScriptExtension' and select something more appropriate such as 'SymbolExtension' or 'HistoryExtension' if you wanted information about attributes being Historized.