How to query what galaxy objects were deployed/undeployed in the last 24 hours
How to query what galaxy objects were deployed/undeployed in the last 24 hours. It will also show you the exact time and what user performed the action.
- Author: Mike Viteri
- Published: 11/12/2015
- Applies to: Application Server
Run the query below from SQL Management Studio against your Galaxy Database.
SELECT Change.change_date, Change.user_profile_name,
Oper.operation_name, user_comment, gObj.Tag_name
FROM gobject_change_log Change
JOIN lookup_operation Oper
ON change.operation_id = Oper.operation_id
JOIN Gobject GObj
ON GObj.gobject_Id = Change.gobject_Id
WHERE Change.change_date > DateAdd(hour,-24,getdate())
ORDER BY change.change_date desc
You will get a result similar to the one below.