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TN WIS110 Publishing InTouch windows to Wonderware Information Server using Win-XML Exporter

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Wonderware Information Server has the ability to display InTouch graphics, showing information about a running process.  This document will describe how to use the WinXML Exporter to publish classic InTouch Windows to the Information Server website.


  • Author: Dillon Perera
  • Published: 10/16/2015
  • Applies to: Wonderware Information Server 




Tools for sending windows to WIS

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There are two tools available for publishing InTouch windows to a WIS server:

  1. Win-XML Exporter: Used for publishing classic Intouch applications to WIS.  Does not support Archestra graphics.  Has been around for a long time.  Runs as seperate app off of start menu.  Windows are published to the Process Graphics section of WIS.  Requires InTouch running for its data source.
  2. Archestra Web Exporter: Used for publishing managed InTouch applications.  Supports Archestra graphics.  Runs from within Archestra IDE.  Windows and graphics are published to the Archestra Graphics section of WIS.  Requires a platform deployed to it for Galaxy data, and InTouch running for tag data.

Win-XML Exporter

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Installing Win-XML Exporter:

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  1. Open WIS website.
  2. Go to Administration > Win-XML Exporter
  3. Download and run Win-XML Exporter.
  4. Once installed it will be in Start > Programs > Wonderware > InTouch > Win-XML Exporter

Using Win-XML Exporter:

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  1. Launch from Start > Programs >Wonderware > InTouch > Win-XML Exporter
  2. Go to File > New Project
    1. Provide where to store the project files. (Hit Next)
    2. Provide location of the WIS server.  Hit Verify to enable the Next button.
    3. Provide location where InTouch will be running to provide data. Hit Next
    4. Hit Finish.
  3. A new WindowSet will be created (A folder of InTouch Windows).  Note: This name will be published to the WIS server.
  4. Go to File > Open InTouch Application, and select the app you want to publish from.
  5. Windows within the InTouch application will be shown on the right.  Select the windows you want to publish by dragging them to the WindowSet on the left.
  6. On the Left side right click on either the project or your WindowSet and select Publish to send the files to the WIS server.