TN WIS110 Publishing InTouch windows to Wonderware Information Server using Win-XML Exporter
Wonderware Information Server has the ability to display InTouch graphics, showing information about a running process. This document will describe how to use the WinXML Exporter to publish classic InTouch Windows to the Information Server website.
- Author: Dillon Perera
- Published: 10/16/2015
- Applies to: Wonderware Information Server
Tools for sending windows to WIS
There are two tools available for publishing InTouch windows to a WIS server:
- Win-XML Exporter: Used for publishing classic Intouch applications to WIS. Does not support Archestra graphics. Has been around for a long time. Runs as seperate app off of start menu. Windows are published to the Process Graphics section of WIS. Requires InTouch running for its data source.
- Archestra Web Exporter: Used for publishing managed InTouch applications. Supports Archestra graphics. Runs from within Archestra IDE. Windows and graphics are published to the Archestra Graphics section of WIS. Requires a platform deployed to it for Galaxy data, and InTouch running for tag data.
Win-XML Exporter
Using Win-XML Exporter:
- Launch from Start > Programs >Wonderware > InTouch > Win-XML Exporter
- Go to File > New Project
- Provide where to store the project files. (Hit Next)
- Provide location of the WIS server. Hit Verify to enable the Next button.
- Provide location where InTouch will be running to provide data. Hit Next
- Hit Finish.
- A new WindowSet will be created (A folder of InTouch Windows). Note: This name will be published to the WIS server.
- Go to File > Open InTouch Application, and select the app you want to publish from.
- Windows within the InTouch application will be shown on the right. Select the windows you want to publish by dragging them to the WindowSet on the left.
- On the Left side right click on either the project or your WindowSet and select Publish to send the files to the WIS server.