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Publishing Information Server Reports to sub folders

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How to publish Information Server reports to sub folders



How to create an On Demand folder structure in Wonderware Information Server so that all published on demand reports do not get placed in the same folder and the publisher can choose which folder to place the published report in.



Joseph Hefner

Publish Date 6-24-2014

Applies to Software

Wonderware Information Server

Applies to Version

3.0 and greater

Applies to System/Module


Article Version




Step 1:  Navigate to the following location and first backup the configuration.config file and then open it with an xml editor such as notepad:   C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AFWeb






Step 2:  Add a new element called <ONDEMANDREPORTPATHS> after the <SCHEDULEDREPORTPATHS> element. The <ONDEMANDREPORTPATHS> element must be on the same level in the XML hierarchy as the <SCHEDULEDREPORTPATHS> element.





Step 3:  In the <ONDEMANDREPORTPATHS> element, add an element for the custom folder you want to create. The element notation is the same as for adding a custom static folder. The example below will place the published report in a subfolder of C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AFWeb\Output\OnDemand\Source called MyFolder.




Step 4:  Save the file in its current location.


Step 5:  Select the newly created subfolder when publishing either a report or trend. Any custom folders you create will appear in the publishing dialog box for Historian Client Trend and Workbook. The folder structure in the publishing dialog box will appear flat, but the reports will be published to the hierarchy that you have created.