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TN MES102 Enabling Wonderware MES Transaction Monitoring

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When troubleshooting a Wonderware MES application it is beneficial to understand how to trace the transactions that are occurring within the MES Client applications.  This article will outline two of the ways users can trace API and SQL calls occurring through the Wonderware MES Middleware application. 


  • Author: Michael Walker
  • Published: 04/30/2015
  • Applies to: Wonderware MES versions 2012 and 2014




1.    The MES Middleware configuration utility can create a trace file. Go to Start - All Programs - Wonderware - MES - Utilities and choose the option for the Middleware Configuration Editor. On the middleware configuration tab navigate to the trace settings. Set the options desired and then set the "Trace MES MWCalls" to true.  Below is a screenshot of the Middlware Tracing Settings. 




After this restart the Middleware Services to have this change take effect.  The file settings configured in the Middleware Tracing Settings will begin to log the transactions happening in the Wonderware Middleware.


2.    The SMC Logviewer has the capability to log MES SQL / SP Calls from MES Client applications sending commands through the Middleware. In the Wonderware System Management Console go Log Viewer - Default Group - Local.  Right click on Local and go to Log Flags. In the list of available Log Flags, find the entry for FactMES.Server.Communication.  Enable the flag for "LogSPandSQLCalls" as seen below. 




Save these settings and the log viewer will begin to display Stored Procedure and SQL Calls occurring through the Middleware.  Be sure to only leave this enabled for a short period of time, or purge the log files on a frequent basis as the log file will grow significantly depending on the number of transactions being handled.