TN SG102 Overcoming 50 Tag Enumeration Limit in Wonderware SmartGlance Report Editor
This article from InSource shows how to vercome the 50 tag enumeration limit in Wonderware SmartGlance Mobile Report editor in version 3.0 and earlier
- Author: Peter Farrell
- Published: 06/13/2018
- Applies to: Version 3.0 and earlier
Wonderware SmartGlance up to version 3.0 support enumeration of a maximum of 50 tags from Historian in the tag browse list when creating or editing a report. By default, only the first 50 tags listed alphabetically in Historian will display in the tag selector.
However, there is a way there is a way around this limitation. If you perform a search on your tags instead of listing all of them you should be able to get any of the tags stored in Historian.
Click the Tags tab at the top of the dialog box.
Click the down arrow and select a data provider from the list of providers added to SmartGlance MRC.
A list of tags from this data provider displays.
Type a tag name in Search and then click MRC_search. A list of tag names matching the search criteria displays.
You can also search for tag names by giving a part of the text and the percent sign (%). For example, "bl%" to search for tags beginning with "bl" or "%max%" to search for tags containing "max".