TN HistClient123 How to prevent users from modifying settings in the Historian Client Trend Control
Method to prevent users from modifying settings in a Historian Client Trend Control
- Author: Benjamin Davis
- Published: 12/28/2015
- Applies to: InTouch 2014R2
Begin by adding the Historian Client Trend Control to an InTouch Window
How to add the Historian Client Trend control to an InTouch window
Name the Historian Client Trend
1. Double click the Historian Client Trend
2. Type in the name in the ControlName field, e.g., aaHistClientTrend1
Use the dot fields of the Historian Client Trend in a script
#aaHistClientTrend1.LockDown =1;
#aaHistClientTrend1.AllowContextMenu = 0;
***Both scripts must be run to fully prevent users from modifying settings.***