TN HistClient105 Update server name on multiple Historian Client trends
This article outlines how to change the embedded Historian server name in saved Historian Client trend files (*.aaTrend) all at once in batch style.
- Guest Authors: Steve Fields and John Covert
- Company: Georgia Pacific Wood Products, LLC
- Published: 5/11/2015
- Applies to: Historian Client
Click on Start – All Programs
- Scroll down to Wonderware folder and open menu folder
- Then open Historian Client menu folder
- Scroll down within this folder to Trend icon and click to open
- Click on Tools
- Click on Servers…
- Add new Historian server
- Type new Historian server name in Server: box (PCAR107WWDH02)
- Click on Add
- Click on old server name (PCAR107WWDH01)
- Type in Password: box, 1234
- Click on Update
- Click on Close
- Open Windows Explorer
- Go to your location where you store your “Trends”
- Highlight no more than 10 of your trends
- Right mouse click on the highlighted area of your selection
- Select Open
- An error message will appear, select Yes.
- This message comes up for each file you had highlighted
- Type new server in Server: box (PCAR107WWDH02)
- Type in Password: box (wwUser)
- Select Update
- Select Close
- Trend linked to new Historian server is displayed
- Click on File
- Click on Save As…
- Fill in name of updated trend
- Select location to store file
- Click Save