TN InSight013 Doing Discrete Tag Analysis with AVEVA InSight
This article from InSource shows how to do Discrete Tag Analysis in AVEVA InSight.
- Author: Glenn Yancey
- Published: 03/15/2019
- Applies to: Aveva InSight (Cloud) 2017 U2
1) Once connected into InSight, search for some discrete tags. My initial resultset from my Clear Well flows and states came back with 4 tags. Only 2 of these tags are discrete. The data types will be split out on the left and show Discrete Data as an additional filter.
2) Once Discrete Tag is selected as the datatype, your result set is further filtered to show only discrete tags. Already, you will see how many times that these state tags have transitioned on and off, as well as the percentage of times in those states. Discrete Tags will contain Gallery options that are specific to Discrete tags.
3) When the Gallery button is selected, you will options such as Time in State chart, Summary Grid, and Gantt Chart. It's true that other analog/numerical data types have Summary Grid, but this one for discrete will act differently.
4) With the Time In State Gallery option selected, we see a bar chart in "hours" that show the time that these pump states were running vs stopped for yesterday. We can dynamically change the Gallery option again to Summary Grid.
5) Summary Grid can break down the discrete states over hours, days, or 15 min intervals. Here, we are looking at the states by HOUR. We can see the percentage of time that they were stopped vs running, and we can how many state transitions in each hour.