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InSource Solutions

TN IT317 InTouch OS Group Security Scripting methods and options




This article from InSource shows the options an InTouch HMI developer can use to implement OS Group based security using scripting functions within an InTouch HMI application

  • Author: Rufus Handsome
  • Published: 09/04/2018
  • Applies to: InTouch 2014R2 and higher


1.) There is an InTouch Function called "QueryGroupMembership()".  This function will determine whether the currently logged on user is a member of the specified group.  Essentially, you would use this function to return a result of 0 or 1, and then allow or dis-allow login based on the result.
Syntax   DiscreteTag=QueryGroupMembership("Domain","Group");
2.) Use the AddPermission() function to map an OS Group to an Access Level
DIM result AS Integer;
result = AddPermission( Domain, Group, AccessLevel);
3.) Modify the InTouch.ini file to make it user profile specific, essentially making it so that the specific users only open specific applications by modifying the program path. 
I would recommend option 1 or 2,