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TN Hist279 How to get CSV data into the Wonderware Historian




This article from InSource shows how to get CSV type data into the Wonderware Historian

  • Author: Rufus Handsome
  • Published: 10/20/2017
  • Applies to: Wonderware Historian 2014 and Higher


You can import data into the history blocks, as long as the data is formatted according to a specific comma-separated values (CSV) format. The basic steps for importing data are:
1. Configure the data import folder, which is where you will put your formatted CSV files.

2. Add tag definitions to the Wonderware Historian database for all data values you plan to import. Importing data for a tag that is not defined results in an error. If you are importing legacy InTouch data, you can use the Tag Importer to import a tagname database, which contains the tag definitions. Otherwise, you must manually add the tag definitions.

3. Determine the type of import, either normal or "fast load."

4. Determine if you want to insert original data for I/O Server tags. By default, the system does not insert original data for I/O Server tags by a CSV file. However, you can change this setting by changing the value of the AllowOriginals system parameter to 1.

5. Format the CSV file according to the import type.

6. Place the file into the appropriate data import folder, where it is automatically processed by the system.

By default, import folders are created in the main Wonderware Historian data folder when the product is installed. For example, if you specified D:\Historian\DATA\Circular as the circular data folder, the CSV data import folders is D:\Historian\DATA\DataImport,.

Important: If you leave the data import path at the default location (on the drive hosting the circular data folder), placing large CSV files in a data import folder may prompt the Wonderware Historian disk management subsystem to immediately start moving or deleting history blocks to maintain the configured amount of required free space on the disk. It is highly recommended to change the data import folder to a different drive than your circular storage.

The \DataImport folder is used for "normal" CSV import files.
The \FastLoad folder is used for "fast load" CSV files.
The \Manual folder is used by MDAS for tags.

See the Wonderware Historian Administrators Guide starting on page 166 for examples of CSV files for a "Normal" and "FastLoad" Import