TN Hist245 Wonderware Historian - Committing Configuration Changes
This article from InSource details making "on-line" changes to the Wonderware Historian configuration database which requires committing to the real-time subsystems in order to take effect.
After you make a change to the database (for example, add a tag), you must commit the change to the Wonderware Historian system. All database changes are immediately implemented. However, database modifications are not applied to the system until you commit them. You are committing the changes to the system, not the database.
The system reconfigures itself with no interruption for unaffected objects in the database.
- Author: Michael Walker
- Published: 12/17/2015
- Applies to: Wonderware Historian (all versions)
After you make a change to the database (for example, add a tag), you must commit the change to the Wonderware Historian system. All database changes are immediately implemented. However, database modifications are not applied to the system until you commit them. You are committing the changes to the system, not the database.
The system reconfigures itself with no interruption for unaffected objects in the database.
Changes cannot be committed:
- During the first five minutes after starting the historian.
- During the creation of a new data block because of a prior change.
To commit configuration changes to the system
1 In the System Management Console, expand a server group and then expand a server.
2 Right-click on Configuration Editor (or any sub-items in the console tree) and then click Commit Pending Changes. The Commit Pending Changes - Confirmation dialog box appears.
3 To view a list of the pending changes, click Display.
Column descriptions are as follows:
Object Type
Used to indicate the type of object to which the modifications apply.
Used to indicate the type of modification.
Object Key
The unique identifier of the modified object. If the modified object is a system parameter, the value will be 0. For all other object types, the value is from one of the following tables and columns: IODriver.IODriverKey; IOServer.IOServerKey; Topic.TopicKey; Tag.wwTagKey; StorageLocation.StorageType; SnapshotDetail.StorageSize.
The key identifier for the column modified in the table. For example, TagName for the Tag table, Name for the Topic table, and so on.
4 To commit the outstanding changes, click Commit.
5 An information box appears, showing the status of the reconfiguration.
6 Click OK.