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TN Hist209 Retrieval of Historian data into Excel

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                            Tech Note                     



The following tech note provides step by step instructions for the retrieval of Wonderware Historian historical data into Microsoft Excel.


  • Author: Rich Brooks
  • Published: 12/23/2014
  • Applies to:  InSQL Server v9 and Historian v10 and higher


How and When to Use this Guide

Use this guide for retrieval of historical data into an Excel workbook.  The Wonderware Historian Client (formerly ActiveFactory) and Microsoft Excel must me installed on the workstation.  An add-in for Excel is provided by the installation of Historian Client to facilitate the retrieval of Historian data.




From the Start button, select All Programs – Wonderware – Historian Client (formerly ActiveFactory) – Workbook to launch Microsoft Excel.



Microsoft Excel (version 2010 is displayed above) will open with the Historian Client add-in enabled.  Select the Add-Ins tab to access the Historian Client (formerly ActiveFactory) menu and tool bar.  Select ActiveFactory – Connection Management from the menu to establish the connection to the Historian.



Type in the Historian Server name for the Server connection.  Click on the Update button.  The server name will be added to the Server list.  Click on the LogOn button.  The server name will be italicized if there is a problem with the connection.  Click the Close button.



Select Historian Client (formerly ActiveFactory) – Tag Selection – Tag Selection from the menu to open the tag picker.



Select one or more tags by highlighting from the list of tags and then click the OK button.



Select Historian Client (formerly ActiveFactory) – Tag Values – History Values from the menu to retrieve historical data.



The History Values wizard opens.  Step 1 of 4 is to define the tag name location.  Check the checkbox for multiple data types, if the tags include more than one data type.  Click on the ellipsis button next to the blank textbox.



Select one or more cells on the sheet to enter the location of the tag names added from the tag picker.  Click on the return button found next to the cell location entered to return to the wizard.



Click on the Next button to continue.



Step 2 or 4 is to define the output location.  Click on the ellipsis button next to the textbox.  Select a cell for the location of the output.  This will be the upper lefthand corner for the record set returned.  Click on the return button found next to the cell location entered to return to the wizard.  Click on the Next button to continue.



Step 3 of 4 is to select the desired query criteria.  Select the Format tab.  Click on the radio button for Tag based criteria (wide tables).  This will display multiple tags with the tag names across the top and a row for each date/ time record combination return. 



Select the Resolution tab.  Click on the Values spaced every radio button and enter 60000 in the ms text box.  This will provide historical values at an evenly spaced one minute interval.  Click on the Next button.



Step 4 of 4 is to define the time period.  Enter 24 Hours from Now for the Relative time.  This will generate historical data for the last 24 hours.  Click on the Finish button.


Confirmation of Success


The data is populated on the workbook.  Notice the formula used to generate the desired query results.