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TN Hist102 How to recover from a corrupted IDAS Configuration on the Historian.


This document describes recovering from a corrupted IDAS configuration where no data is being stored and the following error message shows up in the SMC log viewer:


Error : New node config version 0000XXXXXXXXX differs from recalculated version 0000YYYYYYYYY. Corrupted configuration saved to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Archestra\Historian\IDAS\Support\idatacfg_PMICHNEUAPP75_21_backup_corrupted_002.dat


1) Shutdown and disable the Historian by right clicking on Status under the Management Console and choosing All Tasks \ Shutdown (and dIsable) Historian.Capture7.JPG


2) Delete the data files from the following folders:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\ArchestrA\Historian\Configuration\IDAS Configurations C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\ArchestrA\Historian\IDAS\Configurations


3) Restart the Historian by right clicking on Status under the Management Console and choosing All Tasks \ Enable (allow to run) Historian.



At this point, the IDAS should start functioning properly.