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InSource Solutions

TN IT364 Saving Intouch windows in runtime




This article from InSource shows you how to save an InTouch window in runtime as a pdf.

  • Author: Chris Cleope
  • Published: 12/16/19
  • Applies to: All version of Intouch


You can refer to "How to print a InTouch window" to get the custom script to get this to work.

SetWindowPrinter( PrinterName );

PrintWindow( Window, Left, Top, Width, Height, Options );

  1. Create a button with an action script: (This way will only work with Windows 10 as the Print to PDF is already installed on the machine by default. 

SetWindowPrinter( "Microsoft Print to PDF" );
PrintWindow( "Test 2_bak", 1,1, 5, 5, 1 ); 


  1. On other operating systems, the same script can be used but you would need to download a PDF writer. 

SetWindowPrinter( "CutePDF Writer" );
PrintWindow( "TEst 2_bak", 1,1, 5, 5, 1 ); 

You can download a free one here called CutePDF writer:

This allows you to print as a PDF on other machines that are not on Windows 10.


Save as a CutePDF example:


Save on a windows 10 machine: 



You will need a 3rd party PDF program to open this. (Adobe reader, etc...)


End result:



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