TN TM105 Playing sound through "Thinmanager Ready" thin clients
This tech note walks through adding a sound module in ACP Thinmanager to allow sound to be played through thin clients.
- Author: Joseph Hefner
- Published: 10/27/2015
- Applies to: ACP Thinmanager 6 or later
1) In ACP ThinManager, go to the "Terminal Configuration Wizard" and navigate to the module selection screen.
2) Click the Add button to add the sound module as below:
3) Select the appropriate sound driver for the thin client. In the example below, I have selected the "Universal Sound Driver:
4) Once the sound driver is installed click the Configure button:
5) Make sure both "Sound in Session" and "Terminal Sound Effects" are enabled.
Once the sound module is installed, ThinManager Ready thin clients should play a “ta da” sound when it boots to show that the sound is working. It will not play the sound when it reconnects to an existing session.