TN IT153 Customizing the intouch.ini file
Last updated: March 3rd, 2025Description
- Author: Brian Schneider
- Published: March 3rd, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to add Parameters to the intouch.ini file to get the behaviors you want to see in Runtime.
- Author: Mike Viteri
- Published: 9/1/2015
- Applies to: Intouch
The following parameters in bold can be added to the intouch.ini file:
16PenTrendDrawMode-Determines whether a 16-Pen Trend shows data values in average mode or min-max mode.
CommentRetentive-Determines whether run-time changes to the Alarm Comment field are saved.
ForceLogCurrentValue-Determines whether the current value of logged tags are written to the Historical Log file at an interval set by the ForceLogging parameter.
ForceLogging-Sets the length of the interval when tag values are periodically written to the Historical Log file regardless of their current values.
LoopTimeOut-Sets the time out period of FOR-NEXT loop processing in an InTouch script.
NoKeyboardResize-Determines whether the numeric keyboard is resized to the resolution of the WindowViewer screen.
OldRightMouseBehavior-Determines whether the right mouse button is enabled in WindowMaker.
PrintScreenWait-Sets the wait period before printing a screen from WindowViewer.
PrintWindowWait-Sets the wait period before printing an InTouch window from WindowViewer.
RemoteTagsLogEvents-Determines whether an InTouch application logs remote referenced tag alarms and events.
RemoteTagsNoIOEvents-Determines whether an InTouch application logs remote referenced tag alarms.
ScaleForResolution-Determines whether InTouch application windows are automatically resized when changing nodes that have different screen resolutions.