TN 1219 InTouch Historical Logging for RDS Clients
Last updated: March 3rd, 2025Description
- Author: Richard Brooks
- Published: March 3rd, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to configure historical logging for an AVEVA InTouch HMI running in a Remote Desktop Services environment.
- Author: Rich Brooks
- Published: 3/4/2022
- Applies to: AVEVA InTouch HMI 2020 R2 SP1 & higher
Local InTouch historical logging is not supported for clients running in a Remote Desktop Services (RDS) environment. A separate workstation running on the console needs to be designated as the logging node. The RDS client sessions may then be redirected to pull the trend data from a shared folder on the logging node.
Start by configuring historical logging from the InTouch WindowMaker application. Select the radio button for Store log files in specific directory. Type in the mapped drive letter to be used for the historical log files. Enter the number of days to Keep log files for.
Next configure a shared folder for logging on the logging node discussed previously. A Trends folder was created on the c: drive in this example. Select and right click on the folder to click on Properties.
Click on the Advanced Sharing... button above. Check the checkbox for Share this folder and click on the Permissions button below.
Next, share the folder to Everyone by checking the checkbox for Full Control and click the OK button.
Lastly, configure a mapped drive for the logging node and each of the RDS client sessions. Use the drive letter as defined in the InTouch application. The mapped drive needs to be configured for each user login on the remote desktop server(s). This is saved to each user profile.
The logging node will need to be logged in and running for the historical logging to be active. Set up the logging node to auto login and run the InTouch WindowViewer on startup.