TN AG120 Create a Customized Historical Trend and Statistics ArchestrA Graphic
Last updated: March 5th, 2025Description
- Author: Brian Schneider
- Published: March 5th, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to utilize the ArchestrA Graphics Trend Client object to trend specific historian tags and integrate a custom Historian statistics table that is synchronized to the trend data.
- Author: Chris Selph
- Published: 10-19-2019
- Applies to: ArchestrA Graphics 2012 and greater
ArchestrA graphics provides a highly functional trend client object that does not require additional licensing to run in InTouch container.
ArchestrA graphics also provide an attribute data type that calculates statistics for Historian tags enabling InTouch and Historian integration directly.
This article uses both functions to create a customizable trend that shows statistical data for the trended tags as seen below.
Here is the essential operation and scripts that are used:
Note the scripts used have comments to guide you.
The linked file here contains the 2 ArchestrA Graphics. Historian_Hist_Trend_Client and Hist_Stat_Calc
To get started, import the file attached to this article called Custom_Hist_Trend_Client.aaPkg into your IDE or your Modern type InTouch application.
Then you must customize the scripts to suite your needs in terms of the tags in your Historian.
The Trend Client must be reconfigured to point to your Historian
You may use these objects as a starting point and add functionality such as more statistics (than the 2 provided) which will require adding base custom properties in Hist_Stat_Calc, the visualization of those and so forth.