[ISS Support Case] New PLC's added, no data being received.
Last updated: March 7th, 2025Description
6/28/2024: -Added new PLC'S. -ABCIP. -Topic Search Failed. 7/1/2024: -Topic's K3 and K7 not showing data. Also not showing up in the device groups. -No Encrypted suitlink communication. -Created a backplane for new ABCIP connection, then added a logix connection, inside SMC, created new Device group from Logix connection, started to receive data.
- Author: Kevin Modlin
- Published: March 7th, 2025
Product: Historian |
Version: 2017 |
Solution: [Solution is visible below when you're logged in and have a current subscription] |
Date Created: | 07/01/2024 |
Case: | 87351 |
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