How to monitor a PLC Connection from Kepserver using Wonderware Intouch
Last updated: March 6th, 2025Description
- Author: Michael Viteri
- Published: March 6th, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to monitor a PLC Connection from Kepserver using Wonderware Intouch. This will show if the PLC connection to Kepserver gets disconnected. This is helpful if Intouch shows disconnects from the PLC.
- Author: Mike Viteri
- Published: 08/29/2016
- Applies to: Kepserver & Intouch
- Create a IO Discrete tag inside of Intouch. In this example it is called KepwareMonitor.
- For the item address you will need to specify the status tag. it is called _System._Noerror.(This is internal tag to Kepserver)
- Link the tag to your Kepware accessname.
- Save the tag.
- Place a discrete value display on the screen. Link it to the KepMonitor tag.
- When the PLC is connected to Kepserver the display will say "Online" when its not connected it will say "Offline". This will let you monitor the connection between Kepserver and the PLC.