[ISS Support Case] Store Forward errors on a platform
Last updated: March 7th, 2025Description
Over 1,000/hr. Store Forward Warnings and Errors documented in SMC log file and cannot find a cause. Attached is log file for 2 1/2 hours this morning. Attempted to fix problem by running the OS Configuration and the Change network account on GR node and platform. This did not fix the problem. It appears the problem is similar to 83271- which solution says: Resolved on Teams: Likely that a store forward historian block was corrupted. We created a new SF directory and updated the Platform with the updated path. I'm not sure if there is a corrupted SF directory or how to fix a corrupted SF directory...
- Author: Kevin Modlin
- Published: March 7th, 2025
Product: Application Server |
Version: 2017 |
Solution: [Solution is visible below when you're logged in and have a current subscription] |
Date Created: | 05/19/2023 |
Case: | 84475 |
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