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82612 - New ThinManager Installation The RPC server is unavailable


Need Thin Manager expert. Installing version 13.0 have it running on two servers and can not sync the thin managers. Getting the following error the RPC server is not available error. On one of the servers the ThinServerService shuts down unexpectedly (error 1067) 4009812260 updated ticket number for service crashing issue Each server will retain it own connection to thin clients


Service Pack:

OS: Windows Server 2019

OS Service Pack:


Rockwell Zoom Notes: ThinServer service needs admin privilege's. 1. Stopped ThinServer (windows services) a. LogOn Tab: Entered a Service Account with Admin Privilege's (can be Domain Account) 2. File Explorer C:\Program Data\Rockwell Software\ThinManager. a. ThinManager.DB file (rename or delete) 3. Started ThinServer service (validated new .db file created step 2) 4. Thin Manager Console (kept blank pwd) a. Manage Tab b. Restored client 8 ThinManager.DB 5. Deleted unnecessary Server and synced Primary and Secondary 6. Validated Failover works Resolution: Combination of upgrading the product to ThinManager 13.0.1 and validating firewall exceptions against TN 'What ports need opened for ThinManager'. (See Box)

Close Date: 10/13/22 12:57

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