TN 1201 How to Control Field Search Indexing in j5
Last updated: March 5th, 2025Description
- Author: Ronald Tanner
- Published: March 5th, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to control field search indexing in j5
- Author: Ron Tanner
- Published: 12/14/2021
- Applies to: j5
- Controlling field search indexing (i.e. solr indexing not SQL indexing):
This is controlled in the fields.yml file for each filed using a Boolean property called ‘search_enabled’
The fields.yml should be edited using the j5 IDE. Clicking the "file" tab exposes the yaml for editing.
If you want the field to not cause solr errors assuming the data type is anything other than str you should change the search_enabled to “false”