TN 1119 How To Force Stop a j5 Service
Last updated: March 5th, 2025Description
- Author: Justin Benton
- Published: March 5th, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to use the Command Prompt to manually stop a j5 service in the event that the j5 Stop Services method fails to do so.
- Author: Justin Benton
- Published: 03/15/2021
- Applies to: j5 Version 2019 and Greater
In the event that the "Stop j5 Services" option is unable to stop one or more of the core services, you can use this method in order to manually stop the service. There are multiple reasons a service may fail to stop. In this instance, there is a memory leak on the machine causing the problem:
In this instance, the Application Service was stuck in a "Stopping" state.
To stop it manually, perform the following steps:
- Open command prompt as Administrator.
- Run "sc queryex j5ApplicationServer" (or whatever the problem service may be).
- Take note of the "PID" number from the information logged.
- Run "taskkill /pid insert_pid_number /f" e.g taskkill /pid ### /f
- Confirm the service is now stopped from the Services window.
- Run the 'Stop j5 Services' application again and confirm the rest of the services stop successfully.