How to Check for On Hold Emails in Mimecast
Last updated: January 22nd, 2025Description
- Author: Brian Schneider
- Published: January 22nd, 2025
This article from InSource shows...
This is how to check for email messages that you think may have been caught in the SPAM filter.
Author: Brian Schneider
Applies to: Email/Outlook/Mimecast/SPAM Details
InSource uses Mimecast to filter potential SPAM emails. This is not an exact science
so sometimes a legitimate email will get caught in the SPAM filter.
By default, each day at noon you will receive an email from Mimecast with emails it thinks may potentially be SPAM. (Sample below)
Sample System Email:
The following messages, addressed to you, are currently on hold within the Mimecast service awaiting further action.
For further instructions on how to use the links associated with each email, please review the following points:
Release: This will release the current email On Hold to your Inbox, but future emails from this sender will still be placed On Hold.
Block: Rejects the email, and adds the sender's address to your personal Block list to block future emails from this sender.
Permit:Delivers the email to your Inbox, and adds the sender's address to your personal Permit list, so future emails are not put On Hold.
For more information on the Mimecast digest, please refer to this article
From | Subject | Date | Reason | Release |
|| |
You Can Meet Steve Wozniak Personally! Act FAST! |
2016- 03- 09 16:19 |
Spam Policy | ||| |
Webcast Today! Deep Dive: What's New in Horizon 7 |
2016- 03-10 10:24 |
Spam Policy | ||| | Tales of the Unbelievable |
2016- 03-10 11:11 |
Spam Policy | |||
What if you need to check for a potential on hold emailand you cannot wait for the noonemail?
In this case you can check for the email in Mimecastusing the Mimecast add-in in Outlook. (If you do not have it installed contactsupport at
1. In Outlook selectMimecast from the toolbar in Outlook and then select On Hold Messages.
2. In the box that pops up select the message you want to release or permit.
The first symbol is to permit the sender, thelast one is to release the email. Seeearlier in this article for explanation of what each of these options does.
3. You can also selectemails you know to be SPAM and block the sender (The second symbol), or reportas SPAM (The middle symbol).