TN BPM113 Configuring an AVEVA Work Tasks / Skelta BPM Repository for Multiple Domains
Last updated: March 5th, 2025Description
- Author: Richard Brooks
- Published: March 5th, 2025
This article from InSource shows how to configure a repository for multiple domains in AVEVA Work Tasks / Wonderware Skelta BPM.
- Author: Rich Brooks
- Published: 3/9/2018
- Applies to: AVEVA Work Tasks / Wonderware Skelta BPM 2014R2 and higher
It is sometimes necessary to allow logins to the Enterprise Console from multiple domains. The repository is initially configured for a single domain. Adding one or more additional domains requires an edit of the database. This tech note steps through editing the database table.
Note: This is not recommended on a production system. There is potential the users will temporarily lose access to the system. It is best to use a development or test system to test out this configuration.
Step 1- Start by creating a repository with an Active Directory user provider. Select Active Directory as the Resource Provider.
Step 2- Enter the datasource, search base, domain, user and password. An example is shown below.
Step 3 - Click on the Test LDAP button to verify the connection is good. Click on the OK button to save the new repository.
Step 4 - Open SQL Server Management Studio for access to the Skelta BPM database. Expand the tree in Object Explorer to locate the SKEntityDataSourceProvider table.
Step 4 - Select the Top 1000 Rows to view the table contents. Highlight the row with the DisplayName column containing Active Directory.
Step 5 - Right-click and copy this row into Excel to save the configuration. The DefinitionXml column contains the Active Directory connection information.
Step 6 - Click to edit the repository created in step 1 above.
Step 7 - Repeat steps 2 through 5 for the next domain to be added to the repository.
Step 8 - Repeat step 6 and 7 for each additional domain, if more then two are required.
Step 9 - Edit the Excel spreadsheet to first remove the contents of the Id column. The GUID will be created by SQL Server when you add a row to the table. Modify the Display Name column to include the domain name. Modify the InstanceName column for all but the last row. Append the domain name to the end of activedirectory. No spaces are allowed. Do not modify the InstanceName column of the row that is already in the table.
Step 10 - Open the table for editing in SQL Server Management Studio.
Step 11 - Edit the record with the DisplayName column containing Active Directory to append the domain name to the DisplayName. See row 5 below for an example. Copy and paste all but the last row into the table. That is the domain that is already in the table. The following example highlighted in blue display the edits after they are added. Select execute from the menu or press the F5 key to save the changes.
Step 12 - Check the Enterprise Console to see that it now displays the domain name(s) when logging in. Select the domain name to log into that domain.